Friday 18 May 2012

Robert Burns and Neil Oliver

Yesterday, we had a wonderful speaker from SFU, I believe it was, giving us a presentation called Third Degree Burns.  Meaning Robert Burns.  It was an excellent performance and much enjoyed by all present.  Afterwards, we watched one of the BBC documentaries on Scotland and its history.

Neil Oliver, an archeologist, was the narrator and featured character.  Until I heard of the Picts earlier this semester, I had no idea that they were one of the primary tribes of Scotland and, along with the Gauls, were primarily responsible for the formation of Scotland as it is known today.  Oliver Neil went into quite a lot of detail about the tribes of Scotland, including the Picts.  At one time and another, the Gauls, from Ireland; the Angles of Germanic origins; the Britons and the Norse were all part and parcel of what is now England and Scotland.

They were a fascinating people, far advanced in their carving and jewelry making skills, stubborn and extreme warriors.  They were the last tribe to tattoo themselves and much of those were patterned off of the jewelry, the Pictish Stones, plaques and the like. 
Pictish Plaque

I’d love to bring a ring back with me, if I can find one.  Another thing to add to the growing list of “must do’s”. 
Pictish Ring with Celtic Knot

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