Sunday 24 June 2012

Food for Thought

Unicorn at the top of
 one of the Mercat Crosses
I’m close to wrapping up term now.  Yesterday was basically our last free day  in Edinburgh, we have regular classes today, Capstone presentations tomorrow, then a wrap up dinner.  After that, everyone scatters to the wind.  To be perfectly honest, it’s past due time.
Has this trip to Scotland been a life-changing experience?  That’s a difficult question to answer.  It’s the culmination of a long held desire to see the old country.  For the rest, it remains to be seen.  Despite the words in my Winds of Change piece, once home it again becomes a case of “no time.”  I had been and still am, seriously considering dropping the Centre from my client list.  That frees up some time, but being able to eat is good, too.  Okay, so I’m not much of an eater.  You get my drift.
Would I do another field study school?  Now, that’s an easier question to answer.  I’m sorry to say, this one is ending on a sour note.  It’s unfortunate, but there it is.  Perhaps in a while, I’ll be able to set it aside.
For the rest, I’ve seen a lot; done a lot.  I’ve heard the stories and seen the places; can hear the clashing of sword against shield, the trapdoor of the gallows crashing open.  Burke and Hare, the infamous providers of fresh corpses to the medical school, are just there in the pub, plying their next victim with drink.
“Guardie loo” comes the call from somewhere in the upper reaches of the tenement next door.  Never look up with your mouth open is good advice when travelling the streets of the city.  Cart wheels rattle against the cobblestones, passing some poor soul locked in the stocks at the Mercat Cross.  Down at the Nor Loch, a witch trial commences.
I’ve gained enough fodder to keep any imagination well fed.  Will I put it to good use?

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