Friday 6 July 2012

The Irish Sea

The "Pod" on the Stena Ferry
So, I was yammering on about the ferry service between Cairnryan and Dublin and the difference between the Stena Line and BC Ferries.  I took some pics just to be able to show you what I’m on about.  But, that’s really the end of that subject and on to a new one, which is crossing the Irish Sea and the first glimpse of Ireland.
One of the Portraits on Each
Stair Landing
One of the things that tends to be in the forefront here and in Scotland, is the Second World War.  It’s not something we think about in Canada, other than on Remembrance Day.  Here, there are constant reminders, whether it be the remains of prisoner of war camps, the barriers built between the North Sea and the Atlantic or pillboxes, look-outs and radar stations.  It was real here in Europe, not something we read about or hear about or see in the movies.  When crossing the Irish Sea yesterday, I couldn’t help but think and envision German U-boats patrolling the waters, ready to torpedo any ship that crossed their paths.  I could see the men struggling in the freezing waters.  It was a sobering thought, to say the least.
The Shores of Ireland
The ship was roughly an hour out before I could catch the very first glimpse of land on the horizon.  Even then, it was more of a wish than a reality.  Gradually, it became clearer and before much longer I could make out the fishing villages on the shore with the houses clustered together and painted in bright colours.  It had been a sun and cloud mix coming across and hazy in the distance, but just before we reached harbour, the sun came out and shone on the hills above Belfast.  There’s a reason that Ireland is called the Emerald Isle.  It really is as green as green can be and I’m very much looking forward to going south and away from the city.  Friday, however, I’ll be hopping the on-off bus and touring around, including the Belfast Shipyards where the Titanic was crafted.  I’ll be likely to be needing some more money by the time I get out of there.

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