Wednesday, 8 August 2012

New Semester Approaches

The start date of the new semester is coming up very quickly and I have to admit that I'm not quite ready to start the grind yet.   Since I returned from Scotland it seems that there has been little R & R time.  It has been hectic; back to work, trying to get things set up and ready to go in new directions as well as getting used to the time change again.  For the longest time I was in some strange kind of time warp, not quite U.K. or B.C. time.  I think I'm finally getting a little closer to B.C.

Postings are now up for Peer Tutoring, which is one of the things I was interested in taking on this fall, as well as the writing opportunities that are coming my way.  I have a full course load this fall, looking at four more for the winter semester, then graduation in April.  Well, actual grad will be June, but you know what I mean.  Somewhere in the mix, I'll have to make the decision as to when, where and whether I'll try to enroll and get accepted for either SFU or UBC.  Right now, that's looking a little far ahead for me, but it's going to have to be dealt with sooner or later.  I wonder what kind of impact the difficulties with Douglas and China are going to have on my ability to be accepted in either.  That is a question that has been on my mind since the news broke last winter.  Just what repercussions are there going to be?  However, since that is beyond my ability to control, I can't waste time worrying about it.